ORDERING: Images can be ordered via this website using the shopping cart icon. Orders done this way can only be paid for via PayPal. If you wish to pay via Direct Deposit, please message/email me your order and I will send you payment details.
Low Resolution: $20 each
Medium Resolution: $25 each
High Resolution: $30 each
Add on a Background Replacement: $20 per image
10x Low Res Package: $170
15x Low Res Package: $225
10x Medium Res Package: $210
15x Medium Res Package: $280
10x High Res Package: $225
15x High Res Package: $315
Please contact me with expressions of interest in these
All images are uploaded as instant downloads in Low Resolution, if you order Medium or High Resolution; theses will be emailed to you. When ordering the "Bulk Packages"; please select 1 image to buy the package and then please send the other images (screenshot or file numbers) to sammytaylor1093@gmail.com or via Facebook and these will be emailed to you.
Samantha Taylor Photography & Design | Powered by Fotomerchant.com